Project // In response to travelers seeking out protection for their trips in the Covid-19 Environment, InsureMyTrip worked in partnership with Nationwide Travel Insurance to launch CancelMyTrip. This new company only provides one policy and is specifically geared towards younger travelers who need travel insurance for their travel during the pandemic.
Notable Roadblocks // The cancelmytrip.com site was fully created from the ground up over a period of only 3 months. The brand needed to feel new and different, yet familiar to those aware of InsureMyTrip.
Retrospective // Due to the quick turnaround time, there are some design system inconsistencies/variations that should have been caught during QA, but were not, such as the usage of some InsureMyTrip branded buttons.
A note: At the time of launch (early Covid), we were unable to utilize images with individuals wearing masks.
ads - Google Display
Ran an A/B test of Cobranded vs Non-Cobranded ad suite targeting young travelers taking road trips with their families, visiting amusement parks, or booking vacation rentals in quiet towns. Each image was built and launched as a full ad suite in the following sizes: 1080x1920, 1200x600, 300x600, 336x280, 160x600, 300x250, 600x600, 728x90, and 970x250.
A non-cobranded vector ad suite targeting all travelers booking trips to amusement parks was also created. Vectors images were handmade by me.

Cancelmytrip assets - Various

Logo design //
Created CancelMyTrip logo to mimic the font face of the InsureMyTrip logo, but slightly updated the look with a more defined location pin. As a digital-only company with a limited shelf-life, I broke typical logo-conventions to make the "My" in "CancelMyTrip" transparent.
This decision was made both to accentuate the transparency being provided in coverage as well as to allow the logo colors to be further defined at a later date, as brand colors were not yet ironed out during our tight deadline.
Social //
Launched new Facebook and Twitter page as part of CancelMyTrip MVP. Created branded header image and profile pic.