Project // Design Last Summer on Earth US Tour set backgrounds for the multi-platinum selling band Better Than Ezra.
Retrospective // The Last Summer on Earth Tour featured 4 separate C-Thru 5x15ft screens, which posed a unique challenge, as the screens themselves are composed of layer upon layer of clear LED strips, each with a 1 inch gap. The 4 screens were then placed approximately 2 feet apart- making the total span of the backdrop about 25 feet wide.
While I was sure to run test simulations and verify sizing and spacing (example below), I would not have kept the abstract BTE background (below). The original design was intended to allow the logo to float, but due to outside factors, the pieces were required to remain static- causing the logos to span across 2 screens.
The most success was creating the masking letters E Z R A and either pairing them with abstract pieces (left / above on mobile) or just displaying them simply on their own.
Ideation - Raw & Proofing

E - Left Screen & Mask

Z - Middle Left Screen & Mask

R - Middle Right Screen & Mask

E - Right Screen & Mask

Abstract Screen with Floating Logo

Desperately Wanting Screen
Final Versions - Live in Action